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Jan Betko
Intuitive's Assessment of Medic Green Ultra

Commissioning day: 3.8.2017
Radius of the active effect: 90 meters (in diameter, shape of the field: sphere)
Radiated energy: approx. 925,000 BE
According to Jana Kefer, uranium is a principle of revolution, reversal and change to the new ...
Nothing else defines the new Somavedic Medic Green Ultra better. And we can continue with the quote: uranium symbolizes as a signifier of deeds and events everything related to reforms, inventions, metaphysics, clairvoyance, aviation, electricity, technology, etc. Well, if one imagines astral travel (disembodiment) under aviation, for example, then this planetary characteristic of one of the Czech hermeticists of the twentieth century would also correspond to our new Somavedic device. It is, among other things, the strongest, serially produced Somavedic model. And here is his analysis.
Influence on the chakras and aura
To what extent does Somavedic influence the opening of chakras: 32% (applies if you are consciously working on yourself)
To what extent does Somavedic influence the harmonization of the biofield of the chakras: 94%
To what extent does Somavedic influence the activity of the chakras: 37%
What influence does Somavedic have on the harmonization of the human aura - how can it "repair" the aura: 100%
Can Somavedic support the flow rate in the connecting channel between the chakras: yes
Influence on geopathogenic zones (GPZ)
To what extent does it remove the influence of GPZ: 100%
To what extent does it remove electrosmog in general: 100%
To what extent does it reduce the harmful effects of WiFi emissions: 100%
To what extent does it reduce the harmful effects of bluetooth rays: 100%
To what extent does it reduce the harmful effects of microwaves: 100%
To what extent does it reduce the harmful effects of GSM networks: 100%
To what extent does it reduce the harmful effects of digital TV and radio signals: 100%
To what extent does it reduce the harmful effects of electrical current fields: 95%
More functions
To what extent does it remove negative emanations from people: 100%
To what extent does it remove the psychosomatic energy from the room: 100%
To what extent does it protect against the effects of torsion fields: 100%
To what extent does it remove the harmful effects of chemtrails: 100%
To what extent does it protect against the effects of religious aggregators: 95%
To what extent does it have a positive effect on the development of extraordinary abilities: 35%
To what extent does it help to deepen meditations: 62%
How does it improve concentration: 83%
To what extent does it work on improving the overall physical health of the person: 80%
To what extent does it affect the improvement of the mental state: 50%
To what extent does it eliminate the negative influences of oncological "treatments": 64%
Does Somavedic have a positive effect on all living beings in its effective range: yes
Does Somavedic have a positive effect on the alpha status: yes
Can Somavedic remove malignant tumors: no
Can Somavedic slow the growth of malignant and benign tumors: yes
Can Somavedic alleviate the negative effects of antibiotics: yes
Can Somavedic influence mental comfort: yes
Does Somavedic have a positive influence on the function of the two brain hemispheres: yes
Does Somavedic have a positive influence on the function of the connecting channel between the brain hemispheres: yes
Does Somavedic have a positive influence on increasing human life energy: yes

Does Somavedic have a positive influence on increasing human vibration frequencies: yes
This parameter affects people who consciously work on themselves during this time. By working on ourselves, we increase our vibrational frequencies. The uranium model supports these tendencies. The influence on the increase in vibration frequencies is individual for each person.

Does the Somavedic field form a protection against the effects of black magic: yes
In the field of action of the uranium device, it is almost impossible to suck energy out of other people. This applies both on a conscious and unconscious basis. In cases in which a strong black magic is used against the individual and a parasite or an artificial astral parasitic quasi-being is "installed" in him that sucks the energy from him, uranium reduces its effect.
With the Somavedic Medic, cases have been confirmed in which the person who performed black magic both consciously and unconsciously (energy exhaustion) wanted the device to be switched off. This is probably caused by several factors. Both because Somavedic contains frequencies that interfere with certain other frequencies with which black magic - energy extraction - works, and on the other hand also because Somavedic constantly cleans its surroundings from what is dangerous and disadvantageous not only for the human organism . Uranium has an even stronger effect and an even greater range.

Can Somavedic drive poltergeister out of his field: yes
Here it mainly depends on the respective poltergeist, or possibly a group of poltergeists and their energy and nature, how they obtain this energy (no one has yet explained this satisfactorily). For example, the complete cleaning of the notorious Pohádka (fairy tale) estate required two uranium devices that would have cleaned the entire area of ​​the buildings and their immediate surroundings in about a week.
With Somavedic Harmonie, two highly sensitive people and a dead person confirmed that the Somavedic field is very unpleasant for a negative being and, on the contrary, the energy has a very pleasant effect on positive beings. For a negative being (the soul of the dead) the safe distance from the device harmony was about 2.5 meters, it can be assumed that for the same being this would be about 10 meters for uranium.

The Somavedic device simply cleans the entire area in its active environment day and night, namely from all energies that are uncomfortable for humans, and fills it with positive, beneficial energy, both for the human body and the psyche. However, this not only affects people, but also objects, plants, minerals and animals. In the case of plants, this only affects those who do not visit GPZ. Plants that seek out heavy geopathogenic energies usually die because they cannot adapt to the new energies, ie the energies of the Somavedic, in a sufficient time. In contrast to animals, such as cats, which can get used to relatively quickly - it is usually a maximum of two to three days.
Based on the collaboration with some owners of Somavedic devices, I have carried out an analysis of cats who live in a household with the Somavedic device. All cats are completely satisfied in their home environment, the only difference is that after a Somavedic device has been switched on in the household, some of them look for a place to sleep a little longer. I published the analysis separately in view of its scope. In one case, I also measured the cat food before and after treatment with the Atlantik device.

The uranium model has a stronger effect on metals than the Medic model. So I carried out the following experiment with metal bottles.
Bottle No. 1
Aluminum bottle for water with a cap from Lidl
The Somavedic works for 1 hour
Energy before treatment: 6 500 BE
Energy after treatment: 46,000 BE
Bottle # 2
Double-walled stainless steel thermos bottle from Kaufland
The Somavedic works for 1 hour
Energy before the treatment: 19,000 BE (I have had the bottle for 2 years and it was often harmonized during this time; if it had been a new purchase, its energy level would be similar to that of the bottle from Lidl)
Energy after treatment: 52,000 BE
This is followed by the analysis of the effect of the uranium model on water.

Effect on the water
Water source: tap water with an energy value of 6 500 BE
Contents: 2 dcl
Vessel: container made of normal glass
Duration of action of the device: 3 min.
Distance glass - device: 3 cm
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 76,000 BE
Contents: 2 dcl
Vessel: container made of normal glass
Duration of action of the device: 10 min.
Distance glass - device: 10 cm
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 93 500 BE
Distance glass - device: 30 cm
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 80,000 BE
Distance glass - device: 1 m
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 65,000 BE
Distance glass - device: 2 m
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 49,000 BE
Distance glass - device: 4 m
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 38,000 BE
Distance glass - device: 8 m
Resulting energy value after treatment with the device: 28,000 BE
Note: it does not matter whether it is two deciliters or five liters of water
More experiences
Somavedic Medic Green Ultra is a device with a very broad spectrum of action and I assume that we will discover more of its effects in the future. This revolutionary device also manages to purify the personal morphogenetic field of humans and to repair the DNA. As with all Somavedic devices, it goes without saying that you will notice its effect by smoothing out wrinkles. Here, too, it is true that these effects can only be observed after about a year, or that this is very individual and depends on the lifestyle of the people who live in its area of ​​action. Nonetheless, these effects, the "wrinkle smoothing effect", are really noticed by everyone. The body of the device is made of uranium glass. The uranium glass was already known to the ancient Romans, who also knew the spiritual properties of uranium. In the Czech Republic, the industrial production of uranium glass began in Jáchymov (Saint Joachimsthal) in the middle of the 19th century. Thanks to the added uranium in the glass body, this model has a higher effect in terms of the proportion of the increase in vibrations of the human fine-matter body than the other models and also has a more intense effect on the tendencies of spiritual growth. But I must also emphasize that he does not do your job for you. I would describe this principle in the words of a classic: "Man, make an effort and God will help you." 
As far as the proportion of the increase in vibrations of the human subtle body is concerned than the rest of the models and, overall, also has a more intense effect on the tendencies of spiritual growth. But I must also emphasize that he does not do your job for you. I would describe this principle in the words of a classic: "Man, make an effort and God will help you." 
Closing word
Since October 2nd, 2016, since the publication of the analysis of the Somavedic Harmonie model, I have already received more than 150 e-mails with questions not only about Somavedic, but also about various possible and impossible devices for suppressing GPZ, electrosmog, environmental harmonization and many other things that I have dealt with. Not once have I come across something that could be similar to the Medic model. In all cases, the Harmonie device was also more effective, which often cost much less money and was significantly more powerful than other devices - if you could even call it devices. Often it happened that the person I used to compare, e.g. B. a plastic cone, a piece of corrugated iron - made of specific metal, or a metal pyramid. At this point I would also like to mention that - if the manufacturer of Somavedic were to apply the same pricing policy as some manufacturers of "miracle cures against all possible radiation" - the Harmonie device, for example, would not have to cost 7 thousand, but 70 thousand crowns. The manufacturing price of the device is really not low. The cut glass body is made in a small Czech glass factory, inside the device there are minerals, semi-precious stones *, precious metals **, a special amplifier, LEDs and other custom-made components, which must be individually controlled. If we look at the functions of the Uranium model and its entire production process, then the price of CZK 17,000, - CZK can be called very cheap.
The device including a special analysis is available here.
* with some models also gemstones
** 24-karat gold on some models
BE - Abbreviation for the Bovis units, which are used for radiesthetic measurements, which denote the energetic vibration quality; named after the French physicist Alfred Bovis (1871 - 1947)

Somavedic Medic Green Ultra

Somavedic Medic Green Ultra is our absolute bestseller! It's an ideal choice for virtually any place that needs to harmonize its space and at the same time it structures the water.