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Jana Kunikova
Protection and Pure Water with Medic Green Ultra

I have had "uranium" for about a year, it was my dream for many years and love at first sight. For me this is not a device, but a being that reads inside me and with whom I can communicate without words. Since sharing a room together, my children and I have loved water, which thanks to it has a fantastic taste. I feel like I can't drink enough of it :). But the animals and plants also love the water and simply bloom wonderfully.
The uranium has brought calm into our home, sometimes I don't feel like going out at all. He is a great protector. When I leave the house, I use the portable and feel its power.
I thank Mr. Rybjanský who performed this miracle !!!

Somavedic Medic Green Ultra

Somavedic Medic Green Ultra is our absolute bestseller! It's an ideal choice for virtually any place that needs to harmonize its space and at the same time it structures the water.