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Marie Korcakova
Gold and Medic Green Ultra - Powerful Healing Assistants

The absolute best for a therapeutic centre is a combination of Somavedic Medic Green Ultra and Somavedic Gold. But you have to expect it will show you things you don’t even want to see. They are quite uncompromising in eliminating your rose-coloured glasses, naivete, and chimeras. Their genius is in awakening your wisdom - because they show you how things really are – without sugarcoating.
It’s all up to you whether you close yourself against that light or you narrow your mind or whether you accept reality with gratitude because you saved a couple of years of groping in the dark. Somavedic Gold accelerates processes of metaphysical vision, strengthens perceptions and connection. It’s an indispensable assistant in subtle energies. It’s not just words and feelings. It’s about a big change of internal and external settings. Simply greater productivity and quality of life. Thanks to Ivan Rybjanský for a chance to have and use both devices at the same time.
Marie Korcakova, therapist Brno/Wien

Somavedic Medic Green Ultra

Somavedic Medic Green Ultra is our absolute bestseller! It's an ideal choice for virtually any place that needs to harmonize its space and at the same time it also structures water.

Somavedic Gold

Somavedic Gold is a unique, premium model from the Somavedic product line. Each Somavedic Gold is custom made for the individual customer, plated with 24-carat gold and certified.