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Top 20 Sources of Home EMFs

April 08, 2022 2 min read

Top 20 Sources of Home EMFs

Are there really dangerous levels of EMF radiation in my home?  Unfortunately, the answer is “yes”.  But because EMFs are invisible and odorless, oftentimes, it is not until the body has become ill before one takes action.

To better understand the EMFs that you and your family may be unknowingly swimming in, use the checklist below to assess your current home environment to identify EMF risk areas.  This list is categorized by the type of EMF emitted.  This article introduces EMFs and the resulting health damage risks in more depth.

Home EMFs - Highest Sources

RF (Radiofrequency) or Microwave Radiation 

  • Cell phones, laptops, tablets
  • Wi-Fi routers
  • Cordless DECT (digital enhanced cordless technology) phones
  • Microwave ovens
  • Baby monitors
  • Smart electric, gas and water meters
  • Wireless security systems
  • All “smart” devices including virtually any new TV
  • Amazon Echo and Alexa-enabled devices
  • Bluetooth devices such as: 
    • headphones, AirPods
    • FitBit and other fitness tracking wearables
    • Wireless keyboards, mice, printers, gaming consoles
  • EMFs from your neighbors’ WiFi and smart meters penetrate walls and directly affect your living space
  • 5G “Small Cells” (With rollout of 5G, these are expected to be installed, one for every 3-10 houses.  Check lampposts, utility poles, and bus stops outside your homes.)
    Other Home EMFs

    LFE (Low-Frequency Electric) Fields 

    • High Voltage Power Lines ( ¾ mile distance from your home for safety)
    • Electric blankets
    • Electrical radiant floor heating systems
    • Saunas 
    • All electrical appliances

    LFM (Low-Frequency Magnetic) Fields

    • Circuit breaker boxes
    • Electric stoves
    • Refrigerator motors
    • Hair dryers

    Dirty Electricity

    • Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs)
    • Cordless phones
    • Fans with multiple speeds
    • Most energy-efficient appliances and furnaces
    • Dimmer switches
    • Cell phone chargers
    • Solar panel inverters

    Steps to Mitigate Home EMF Exposure

    By now, you may be asking, so how can I strike the right balance of enjoying modern conveniences while minimizing dangerous levels of EMF exposure right within my own home?

    This article, How to Measure and Reduce EMFs at Home, a Beginner's Guide, provides in-depth guidance on key actions anyone can take immediately.

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